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It's not too late to act!

Make your voice heard by September 7!

The COVID-19 pandemic and associated closures have devastated businesses across Oregon. And now, OR-OSHA is moving forward with a new COVID-19 Standard that is intended to protect employees during the pandemic. Unfortunately, as drafted these rules will actually harm Oregon businesses and create a significant cost burden! OR-OSHA needs to hear from impacted employers TODAY before these rules are finalized. A full summary of the draft rules can be found HERE. Are you concerned that OSHA is mandating that EVERY employer provide 80-hours of paid leave whenever an employee is potentially exposed to COVID-19, even if it’s outside the workplace? Are you prepared to sanitize every high-touch surface after every touch by a different person? What will that cost you as the employer? Will you have to buy new plexiglass barriers because your shields fail to meet the requirements in the temporary standard? Are you an independent salon or personal services provider who now will fall under two regulations: OHA guidelines and strict OSHA rules for heightened risk workplaces (even though you don’t have employees)? Are you concerned about increased liability with having to comply with Oregon Health Authority, Governor’s Orders, and now OR-OSHA standards? If you answered ‘YES’ to any of these questions and haven’t already submitted your public comments to OR-OSHA and your legislators, then use our action alert system to PERSONALIZE your comments by Monday, September 7! Source: (2020) ORCC. Retrieved from:

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